Sunday, May 31, 2009

since now i got the time in the world, i really really want to express what is in my mind now from happy things to sad stuffs to people i want to slap their faces..

ok first is the happy thoughts,errrr... holidays are near? errr... my face is back to normal but the scar is still there? errr..step 1 is clear, now to step 2 XD, see.. i dont have many happy thoughts now, ok yah! i slept the whole day(saturday) like a freaking pig! niceeeee
i got nothing to be sad actually to tell you the truth, more like content,is that the right word to use it?

ok this is the "i want the slap the faces of this people" thoughts, its not only happening to people i dont know but to people i know too, before i say anything, i would like to say sorry first if i offended any of you reading this section where im going to say many bad things bout this type of people,
i cant stand this kind of people. what kind of people you ask? the people who get really good grades and still got the balls or for girls no balls to say this(for example this particular person got an A for their maths and his/her score was 80) "ehhhh, i could have gotten full marks if i didnt do this bla bla bla" WTF??!! you got an A!! what more do you want? if you still got full marks, does it change the grade? yes? of course its a NO fucker!! this is what you call greedy and fucking cunt, i really feel like slapping this people with a horse dick to make them wake up and realise to be happy with what they have, fuck. if i got a B i would be so happy, i think this kind of people would die not getting an A,or easy said full marks, thats why there are cases of students killing themself.. hahaa.. they are stupid, smart with the books but dumb with their own minds.
back to this kind of people, first they get good marks, now they are fucking selfish with the knowledge they have, for direct example, myself, i would ask this particular person for something i have no clue about, so this fucker would teach me, which i found out that person would teach me the wrong things, in the end i didnt learn anything, how fucking selfish is that? what? by teaching me i can get higher marks than you? wouldnt it be fun if i could? then i would be laughing at your fucking face.i dont understand this kind of people? what do you get from all this? good grades? then? go to good schools? then? get a job? hahahahaha.. if you are book smart but not street smart, you are fucking going to rot with the books you love so much. hahaha.
ok im done, i hope you fucking people read this, i want you to think like you have no tommorow.


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